Saturday, 26 December 2015

SwampDragon push notification

SwampDragon push notification
Push notification, one of the complex problem that a occurs for a web developer. Old time we need to install number of packages and make numerous changes in django files especially file to make it work. But now we have SwampDragon to help us out. SwampDragon made push notification too easy (not that easy...) implement compared to former method.


SwampDragon helps to create near real-time functionality for Django via web socket support.Swamp dragon consists of:
  • Redis. Basically a very quick, persistent kind of memcache. Supports pubsub.
  • Tornado. A python webserver. Non-blocking IO. Lots of connections are no problem.
  • Django.
Below I shown the simple work flow using swampdragon and django:
How To 
Below I have explained how to send notification to one or more users using same channel with the help of swamdragon and django.
Hope that you have already created your django app.
After that install the following packages:
To install SwampDragon:
pip install swampdragon

pip install -e git://
Install redis server (If you don't have redis)
sudo apt-get install redis-server
After installation redis server will start automatically. If not use the following command
sudo service redis-server start
Now redis server will be up and running. In file add swampdragon to installed app.
SWAMP_DRAGON_CONNECTION = ('swampdragon.connections.sockjs_connection.DjangoSubscriberConnection', '/data')

DRAGON_URL = 'http://localhost:9999/'

Create file in the app folder. helps in routing incoming connection to specified endpoint. 
from swampdragon import route_handler
from swampdragon.route_handler import BaseRouter

class MyRouter(BaseRouter):
    route_name = 'my-route'
    valid_verbs = [ 'subscribe']

    def get_subscription_channels(self, **kwargs):
        return ['notification']


Now create a js file. Let it be router.js .
Add the channel subscription and all display method for incoming message, inside the router.js file.
swampdragon.ready(function () {
//subscribes the channel and router
    swampdragon.subscribe('my-route', 'notification', null, function (context, data) {
        // any thing that happens after successfully subscribing
    }, function (context, data) {
        // any thing that happens if subscribing failed
//Extracts message in the channel
swampdragon.onChannelMessage(function (channel, data) {

//inserts the received message from the channel to html 
function InsertMsg2Html(msg) {
    var messages = document.getElementById("notification");

    var span = document.createElement("span");
    messages.insertBefore(span, notification.firstChild);
    div.innerHTML = "<strong>" + msg + "</strong> " ;
In your template add the following lines:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:9999/settings.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swampdragon.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/router.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/datamapper.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/services.js"></script>
Now in 

from swampdragon.pubsub_providers.data_publisher import publish_data

data = { 'message': 'You have successfully send a request'}
publish_data(channel='notification', data=data)
Here publish_data method will publish the data to the specified channel. onChannelMessage mentioned in the router.js gets the published message. Remaining logic to what to do with the incoming message can be changed depending up on the user requirement.

Django Profiler

Django profiler

Recently I have used many profilers in python which got me thinking about using profiler in a django app. So I started searching for ways to use a profiler in django. I have tried integrating many python profiler in django app's file but it didn't go well as I expected. But then I tried to remove the profile added in the py file and used python's builtin profiler cProfile. I used the following command to execute python profiler along with the django runserver.
   $ python -m cProfile runserver

At first I couldn't figure out the way to get the profiler output while running the django dev server. As soon as I terminate the server the profiler output began to display in the terminal. Yes I got an output from profile but not the expected way. The present generated profiler output was the profiler output of the all the django process from the beginning of the server starting which is not easy to go through especially the list was too long. So I continued the R&D and finally reached at a py file which is added as a middleware file in django. Way the profiler work is like this after starting the server you can access the profiler data by typing ?prof which will open the profiler output of the current page in the browser. The profiler code is mentioned below.
    import cProfile as profile
except ImportError:
    import profile

    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

import pstats
from django.conf import settings

class ProfilerMiddleware(object):
    Simple profile middleware to profile django views. To run it, add ?prof to
    the URL like this:


    Optionally pass the following to modify the output:

    ?sort => Sort the output by a given metric. Default is time.
        for all sort options.

    ?count => The number of rows to display. Default is 100.

    This is adapted from an example found here:
    def can(self, request):
        return settings.DEBUG and 'prof' in request.GET and \
            request.user is not None and request.user.is_staff

    def process_view(self, request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs):
        if self.can(request):
            self.profiler = profile.Profile()
            args = (request,) + callback_args
                return self.profiler.runcall(callback, *args, **callback_kwargs)
                # we want the process_exception middleware to fire

    def process_response(self, request, response):
        if self.can(request):
            io = StringIO()
            stats = pstats.Stats(self.profiler, stream=io)
            stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats(request.GET.get('sort', 'time'))
            stats.print_stats(int(request.GET.get('count', 100)))
            response.content = '<pre>%s</pre>' % io.getvalue()
        return response


  • Copy paste the code to file and save it as .py file.
  • Add the file to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES section in djnago file.
  • Run the django server.
  • To see the profiler add '?prof' after the url in the browser. (eg: )
For other profilers for django app:
     Profiling Django
     Django Live Profiler

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Python Profilers

Python profiler

Code optimization is one of the obstacles that every developer now a days come across. There are lot of tools present now a days to optimize code. You can find python builtin or 3rd party modules for code optimization. Below I have mentioned a few codes optimization tools that I have used.

Builtin Modules

  • Profile

    How To :  First of all import profile into you python code. Then at the main method use the method. On executing the py file we will provide the profiler output. An example code is shown below:

    import profile
    def add(first, second): return first + second' print add(1,2); print ')
          Profile module also provides runtx( ) for custom profiler generation.
  • cProfile

    How To :This module can be used in two ways. One is to import the module and call it as <your method> )Second is to call the cProfile module at the time of file execution.

       python -m cProfile
  • pstat

    How To: Standard report produced by the profile module is not very flexible. So depending upon the need the user can save the output of the run() or runtx() and process it using the Stats class from pstat.

Third Party Modules

  • Line Profiler

           How To :  First of all install line profile using the following command.
       pip install line_profiler
    Then add the @profile above your method definition. Finally execute the code using the following command.
      $ -l -v